
Learn everything about cat breeds and find all the infos and facts about their health, personality traits, characteristics, history and qualities.

CattyCorner: Halloween Safety Tips For Cats

Greetings, my pawsome human minions. 'Tis Forrest Wisewhiskers, here again, with the cat knowledge you yearn to learn. Halloween is upon us, bringing to life...

31 Of The Most Popular Cat Breeds, Plus 5 Rare Felines

Over forty-two million American households know the joy of living with a cat, according to Best Friends Animal Society. And within those feline domiciles...

Tangerine-Terrified Cat Thwarted From Destroying Christmas Tree

Cats dig destruction, especially wild Bengal cats. A gleam comes to their eyes as they watch the object of their fascination crash to the...

The Hidden Natural Health Benefit Fresh Catnip Offers Your Kitty

Some kitties like catnip. Others really like catnip. You know the cats I'm talking about. They roll all over the leaves and stems, wiggling,...

Quick Tips For Road Trip ‘Purrfection’ With Your Cat

Fairweather has arrived and that means road trip season is upon us! And when cat parents want to get away, they often want to take...

The What, Why, and Wonder of Cat Whiskers

Cat whiskers may look like whimsical wisps of adorability, but they give felines a deep connection to the world around them. But what do whiskers...

17 Must-Know Flea Facts To Prepare You For Summer

In many parts of the country, winters can stay mild or even warm. While it's fun to not have to wear twenty layers of...

8 “Super-Hero” Cat Breeds!

Move over Spiderman, step back Captain America! These kitties have natural superhero qualities, no gamma radiation required. Whether they use these powers for good...