The Best Cat Litter Mat to Reduce Litter Tracking
The American Pet Products Association reports annually on pet parent habits. According to their recent research, American spending on pet-related products totaled over $52... Finalist For International Pet Industry Awards
Time to celebrate! I am humbled and honored to have been selected as a finalist for the Best Pet Video category at this year's...
12 Purrfect Leopard Print Products For Your Cat
We all love pampering our furry friends with cute accessories and tasty treats, but it’s not always easy finding the perfect gift for the...
What Is Catnip And How Does It Affect Your Cat?
A happy cat doesn't need much. A bowl of food, fresh water, regular vaccinations, some cuddles here and there, and regular stimulation through playtime are all...
25 Cat Litter Box Questions: Find Answers To Your Queries About The Potty Pan
Welcome, fellow feline fanciers, to the mystical and complicated world of cat litter boxes! If you've ever found yourself pondering the mysteries of litter...
Does My Cat Love Me? 7 Signs You’re Your Cat’s Favorite
Whether you've got one of the smartest cat breeds in the world or decided to adopt an unidentifiable stray, there are a few things...
Gorgeous Bengal Siblings Take Instagram By Storm
It's not easy to convert your significant other into a cat lover - believe me, I've tried! - but that's exactly what one cat...
Find Out Why Cats Can Roar Or Purr, But They Can’t Do Both
Kitty cats purr and the biggest of the big cats roar. It's a fact cat lovers know, but have you ever stopped to wonder...