
Learn everything about cat breeds and find all the infos and facts about their health, personality traits, characteristics, history and qualities.

Cheetoh Cat

Cheetoh Cat: Breed Information & Overview

 If you are in love with exotic cat breeds like the Bengal, chances are you already heard about the Cheetoh cat, a pedigree cat...

Properly Welcoming Your New Kitten

You fell in love at first sight. This new tiny, fluffy, purring, snuggly little ball of cuteness is all yours (or more accurately,...

5 High-Maintenance Cat Breeds

Cats are known for being relatively low-maintenance pets, but that isn't always the case. They're often much more affectionate than many people expect them to...

15 Thanksgiving Foods That Are Toxic To Cats

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and when you're a cat parent, your feline friend likely sits near the top of your Most Thankful...
What is Catnip

What Is Catnip And How Does It Affect Your Cat?

A happy cat doesn't need much. A bowl of food, fresh water, regular vaccinations, some cuddles here and there, and regular stimulation through playtime are all... Finalist For International Pet Industry Awards

 Time to celebrate! I am humbled and honored to have been selected as a finalist for the Best Pet Video category at this year's...