
Learn everything about cat breeds and find all the infos and facts about their health, personality traits, characteristics, history and qualities.

CattyCorner: Halloween Safety Tips For Cats

Greetings, my pawsome human minions. 'Tis Forrest Wisewhiskers, here again, with the cat knowledge you yearn to learn. Halloween is upon us, bringing to life...

Rescued Kittens Cling to Their Savior, Following Him Everywhere

In the picturesque setting of Tuscany, artist Caleb found himself accompanied by two inseparable feline friends he rescued. These kitties have grown so fond...

Your Cat’s Sleeping Position Can Tell You What They’re Thinking

Cats are as mysterious as they are adorable, and since they don't speak our language, it isn't always easy to tell what they're thinking...
The 12 Best Cat Drinking Fountains Of 2021

The 12 Best Cat Drinking Fountains Of 2021

Is your Bengal cat in love with faucets, sinks or even bidets? Apart from the fact that Bengals genuinely love water, there is one...

The Primordial Pouch: A Fancy Term For Cats’ Saggy Bellies

If you’re a cat parent, then you’ve seen a primordial pouch; you just may not realize it. What is a primordial pouch on a cat,...

10 Days After Getting Lost At Sea, Bengal Cat Miraculously Reunites With Family

Like most Bengal cats, Luchs craves adventure and loves water. But this one-year-old Bengal girl doesn't just have a passing fancy for the water....

15 Thanksgiving Foods That Are Toxic To Cats

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and when you're a cat parent, your feline friend likely sits near the top of your Most Thankful...

This Bengal Cat Has Learned Several Tricks That Will Leave You Speechless

Holy moly, you’ve got to see this video! Kaiser just might be the smartest cat we’ve seen yet! (And his human is probably the...