[ads1][dropcap]D[/dropcap]o you remember the first time you’ve met your furry baby? The memory of those precious first moments with each of my pets, and the joy I felt when I realized I’m gaining a new family member is something that will always stay with me. It’s one of the most amazing experiences in the world, and Robert, a proud dad to a Bengal cat named Roxy, won’t forget it anytime soon.
After he moved away from his family’s home, Robert terribly missed the family’s three cats. Being unable to take them with him, he was living without feline company for over a year. Although he hasn’t had the chance to buy or adopt one, he was always fascinated by the unique looks and personality of Bengal cats. (This should go without saying, as it is impossible not to be enchanted by these majestic creatures.)

As his birthday was nearing, his family decided to make his long-time wish come true. A month before his birthday, they surprised him with a 4-month old Bengal kitten Roxy. Needless to say, Robert was absolutely ecstatic! When Roxy arrived at his apartment, they let her get to know the environment first. After a few minutes of sniffing and walking around their home, Roxy came up to Robert who was patiently sitting on the floor. Like a fearless little Bengal that she is, she initiated the contact, approaching Robert first and lovingly rubbing her head on his face and hands. In that moment, an unbreakable bond between a Bengal and her human was made. After a long time of dreaming of having a Bengal cat in his home, Robert finally got the chance to be a best friend to a fascinating creature.
Although Roxy is living with Robert and his wife for some time now, he’s still amazed at his Bengal as he was the first day. As Robert himself put it:
“Ever since our bond became stronger than I could dare to expect, imagine. We had an unspoken deal seemingly.”
Roxy is now settled in her new home and enjoys being pampered by Robert and his wife. As most Bengal cats, Roxy formed an unbreakable bond with her human parents and simply adores being at the center of the attention. The care and affection of her family is rewarded with fierce loyalty and unconditional love. When a Bengal bonds with a family, it’s a bond like no other. Some people are afraid that the complete commitment and devotion of Bengal cats might mean that they won’t be as friendly or trusting when it comes to people outside their family. But, if they have the opportunity to meet different people from an early age, they’ll make some room in their hearts for your close friends, as well.
SEE ALSO: Cat Dad And Bengal Kitten Share An Adorable Bond
Roxy is very chatty, too, and frequently answers back when talked to- with a variety of meowing, mewing and trilling sounds. Bengal cats are well-known for amusing conversations they tend to lead with their humans, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that Roxy is rarely silent. Since they are highly intelligent and athletic, Bengal cats are always looking for a new challenge. They are the completely opposite of the lazy, sleepy cat stereotype. They tend to be very active, and love to play and climb all over, and Roxy’s no exception. When she’s not playing “football” with Robert or joining him for a walk or a run around the neighborhood, she spends her afternoons curled up on his lap, enjoying their time together. In those precious moments when a Bengal cat is not on an adventure, you can enjoy their tender, warmhearted side, and all the cuddles and the purring that comes with it.
Life in the company of a Bengal cat is never boring, and the love and bond you share with them is something to be treasured. Robert said that:
“(…) Once you have a Bengal at home, you’re not the only one teaching the new member of the (…), but in exchange you receive some lessons as well, only a Bengal tiger can teach you the best.”
I couldn’t agree more. To have a Bengal cat by your side is a privilege, and this story truly shows us the beauty of this extraordinary friendship.
[box type=”note” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””][dropcap]W[/dropcap]e’d love to hear about your special bond with your pets, so feel free to share your own stories in the bengal cat discussion forum![/box]
Source: Robert Varga’s Blog