
Learn everything about cat breeds and find all the infos and facts about their health, personality traits, characteristics, history and qualities.

Bengal Cat And Pitbull Love Going on Walks Together

Of course, as we all know, dogs LOVE a stroll through the park. But did you know that some cats like to go on...

The Top Tips For Training Your Bengal Cat

Cats have a bad reputation for being untrainable. The fact of the matter is that cats can be trained, but they have different motivations...

10 Reasons Why Being A “Crazy Cat Person” Is A Good Thing

Being called a "crazy cat lady" used to be a negative thing, usually reserved for single women with a house full of cats. But...

31 Of The Most Popular Cat Breeds, Plus 5 Rare Felines

Over forty-two million American households know the joy of living with a cat, according to Best Friends Animal Society. And within those feline domiciles...
Cat Kneading

Why Do Cats Knead And What Does It Mean?

Cats are perplexing creatures, and, as such, they do many things we don’t always understand. If you have a feline in your life, you’ve...
The Importance Of Selecting A Reputable Bengal Breeder

The Importance Of Selecting A Reputable Bengal Breeder

 One of the most daunting tasks when you have finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a Bengal is finding a reputable Bengal...

Shocked Owner: My Rescue Kitten’s Unbelievable Transformation!

A remarkable story unfolded for a lady, forever changing her view of cats. As she made her way back from the train station, a...
Hybrid Cat Breeds: Bengals, Toygers and Savannah

Hybrid Cat Breeds Explained: Bengal, Toyger and Savannah

The awe-inspiring beauty of big cats of the wild has been fascinating humans for hundreds of years. The combination of their strong constitution and...