12 Cat Safe Houseplants & 13 Toxic Ones
Does your kitty love to play jungle cat in your houseplants? If so, you know the importance of giving your furry darling a jungle...
Play Fight Or Real Cat Fight: How To Spot The Difference
Cats at play can get pretty rough and tumble, sometimes alarming their parents with all that flipping, rolling, and swatting.
Most of the time, it’s...
Les Meilleures Fontaines à Eau pour Chat en 2019
Guide d'achat et avis sur les meilleures fontaines à eau pour chat en 2019!
Votre chat de Bengal est-il amoureux des robinets, des éviers ou...
25 Cat Litter Box Questions: Find Answers To Your Queries About The Potty Pan
Welcome, fellow feline fanciers, to the mystical and complicated world of cat litter boxes! If you've ever found yourself pondering the mysteries of litter...
5 Ways You’re Accidentally Enabling Your Cat’s Bad Behavior
Cats usually only do things that are in their own best interest. While this self-serving attitude often earns them a reputation for being "untrainable,"...
Bengal Cat Proves He’s More Intelligent Than The Rest!
When it comes to animal tricks, the dogs always have something amazing to show off. However, the Bengal cat in the video has some...
Woman Drives For Days To Rescue a Kitten She Can’t Stop Thinking About
In a remarkable story of rescue, care, and reunion, a tiny kitten named Candy Corn, along with her siblings, found a new lease on...
Adorable Rescue Cat Showers Adoptive Mom with Kisses in Heartwarming Celebration
Barely a few months into their lives, a trio of adorable kittens found themselves cruelly abandoned, sealed in a trash bag and thrown from...