Bengal Cat Pictures

Enjoy these picture galleries of Bengal cats and kittens. Featuring all the best photos and stories about Bengals and their owners. You may also share your own pictures and story as a community member.

Meet Thor: The Bengal With God-Like Good Looks

Cats are like miniature versions of their wildcat ancestors and looking at Thor the Bengal cat, it's easy to see the wild connection. The...
Suki Cat, The Canadian Hiking Cat Who Loves Adventures

Suki, The Canadian Hiking Cat Who Loves Adventures

If you haven’t seen pictures of a gorgeous Bengal exploring a fairy tale lake, you’ve probably been living under a rock. The magical photos...
Lumi Bengal - Lydia and Ali

Lydia And Ali With Lumi The Looney Snow Bengal

 I'd always had cats growing up but when my partner and I bought our home together and he told me there would be no...
Bengal Owner Photoshops His Cat Into Sports Themed Pictures

Bengal Owner Photoshops His Cat Into Sports Themed Pictures

Some of our members have a great sense of humour! Andrei Salokhin lives in Belarus (Eastern Europe) and like any Bengal cat lover, he...
Benedict the bengal

A Curious Little Fellow Named Benedict

Our bengal's name is Benedict. We got him from the Charlotte area of North Carolina and he is about to turn 6 months old...
Bengal Cat Halloween Best Instagram Photos

Bengal Cat’s Best Instagram Photos of Halloween 2017

Do you dress your cat up for Halloween? Not all cats enjoy wearing a costume, but if you have one who doesn’t mind...
Sam Bengal Cat And Pip The Otter

The Unusual Friendship Between A Bengal Cat And An Otter

If you’ve ever wanted to get a Bengal cat or already have one, you probably know how important it is to have a companion...

10 Reasons Why Being A “Crazy Cat Person” Is A Good Thing

Being called a "crazy cat lady" used to be a negative thing, usually reserved for single women with a house full of cats. But...