HomeBengal Cat PicturesSimba And Tinkerbell. My Disney Cats!

Simba And Tinkerbell. My Disney Cats!

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]ello! bengal_buds here! So this is Tinkerbell, we call her tink though oldest of the bunch, also the smallest. We called her Tink way before we knew she was gonna be a runt. All just turned out great I guess! She is 3 and Simba (my other bengal) is 2! Yes I know…Disney names, wasn’t even the plan. Some things just happen!

So I lived in Canada for 11 years before I moved to England! Where I see the Bengal cat prices are like half as cheap. Around 300 to 400 pounds. So we decided to get a bengal cat!

Then the name process started… Throwing random names at each other like there is no tomorrow. We finally gave up and just called her squirt until further later. She wasn’t growing very much so I started to call her Tinkerbell! The family overheard my genius idea and declared that this bengal shall be named tinker bell!


Instagram: bengal_buds


Laurent Jaccard
Laurent Jaccard
As a Bengal cat owner of fifteen years, Laurent writes about his favorite cat breed to share his passion with other owners and enthusiasts. Laurent is a webmaster and graphic designer by profession, photographer and animal lover by heart.